Overcoming my own challenges and inspiring others to do the same.

Podcast Creator and Author: Jennifer Purcell

Jennifer (or Ever-Changing Butterfly) is someone with the invisible learning challenge nonverbal learning disability - NLD or NVLD for short. She has created the Living with an Invisible Learning Challenge podcast to educate people about what NLD is and what it’s like to have it. Through this podcast, she hopes to raise awareness and build community so fellow NLDers no longer feel as alone. She is also one of The NVLD Project’s Social Ambassadors:https://nvld.org/meet-ambassadors/.

I have also helped neurotypicals and neurodivergent people with creating their own podcasts and websites to promote themselves. Please let me know if you know anyone who needs help in this area.

To learn more about Jennifer and her podcast, please visit our Facebook and Instagram accounts.