Your donation will support the NVLD Project in counting to do research on NVLD and get it back on the DSM!

 The NVLD Project’s mission is to create “a world where those with social and spatial disabilities, particularly NVLD, can proudly address their differences and learn to live fuller and more satisfying lives… Long term, The NVLD Project seeks to define and establish NVLD as a valid disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) (About us: Vision and Mission).”

 The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (i.e. DSM) “contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It provides a common language for clinicians to communicate about their patients and establishes consistent and reliable diagnoses that can be used in the research of mental disorders (DSM–5: Frequently Asked Questions).”

It’s important for NLD to be back in the DSM to make it easier for children and adults to get the accommodations needed to make their academic experience more enjoyable and live fuller lives.