What can you do to help loved ones

with NLD?

  1. Know that they may be clumsy. 

  2. Know that they may not get your joke or metaphor because they tend to take things literally.

  3. They’re not dumb they’re only different and take longer to process information than neurotypical people. Below is the second episode of my podcast for some resources that are available for people with NLD.

What if I think I have NLD? 

There are several diagnostic tests that may be used to determine if some have NLD or NVLD. For proper diagnosis please go to a psychologist if you or someone you know thinks they have NLD. Below gives you three common tests and what they entail.

  1. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV)

    • Measures IQ by having subjects identify patterns and symbols, copy pictures from memory, and complete basic math while timed.

  2. Judgment of Line Orientation

    • Measures someone’s ability to match angles, orientations of lines in space, and spatial skills.

  3. Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA/CPT)

    • Identifying emotions from pictures and a conversation that you listen to.