Episode 28: Amy Interview (part 3 and 4)

Today's episode is an interview with Amy who is from England and this is the third and fourth part of it. I was also interviewed by Beyond Autism for their podcast which is about learning challenges like NLD and ASD this interview will be available in February.

Here’s the link to the zoom meeting for people with NLD that will be on February on the 20th from 10 am-10:40 am PT: https://zoom.us/j/94687568942?pwd=STFKT0hpd0dtd2ZvUnRnV3UyK0pIUT09. I may not have my camera on for privacy reasons I'll only be using audio, it's your choice whether or not you want to do the same thing. I want to create a safe place for people with NLD to share personal things that stay in this group if they want to share them that is.

Here are the links for my website, newsletter, YouTube, and social media pages for the podcast:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/ 

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact 

3. Living With NLD Facebook

4. Living With NLD Instagram

5. Living With an Invisible Learning Challenge Youtube Channel

6. Here's the link to support my podcast and in turn the NVLD project: https://anchor.fm/jennifer8697/support


Episode 29: Mistakes from Breakups and How they Relate to NLD


Episode 27: Chronic Pain From Migraines While Having NVLD