Episode 11: Driving with NLD

Here is an episode about what's like drive with NLD from my and Megan's perspectives. Please visit my website for the podcast which is www.livingwithnld.com. Also, I have made a Facebook and Instagram page for the podcast they are called livingwithnld if you want to follow them please sign up for the newsletter when you go to my website. I'll send the most recent episodes to you when you sign up for it. 

Link for the article:


Here is an episode about what's like drive with NLD from my and Megan's perspectives. Please visit my website for the podcast which is www.livinwithnld.com. Also, I have made a Facebook and Instagram page for the podcast they are called livingwithnld if you want to follow them please sign up for the newsletter when you go to my website.


Episode 12: Estimating Distances With NLD


Episode 10: Strengths and Differences of NLD from Lauren's and Jennifer's Perspective