Episode 06 (year 3): New Podcast Coming Soon: Shero; Be Your Own Hero

Today's episode is about a new podcast I would like to start next month: "Shero: Be Your Own Hero." I want to empower people to be their own heroes and sheroes in their lives. I want to show them how they can do that in different areas of their lives by sharing my own and others' experiences with doing that. I would love to interview both females and males on how they have been their own hero or shero in their life and how that changed their life for the better. Please email me at sherobeyourownhero@gmail.com if you would like to interview or know someone who would. Thank you.

The following support group is on September 17th at 10 am (PT) unless I have a schedule conflict.

Link for BetterHelp sponsorship: https://bit.ly/3A15Ac1

Links for Sleepy Butterfly:

1. https://open.spotify.com/show/5FNnA8XFCzRORCRaZXlHE9?si=a82d5133f7f6411e

2. https://www.facebook.com/sleepybutterfly96

Here are my platforms:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact

3. https://livingwithnld.com/podcast-swag

4. Living With NLD Facebook

5. Living With NLD Instagram


Episode 07 (year 3): New Podcast Coming Soon: Think Out; Free Your Imagination


Episode 05 (year 3): Interview with Olivia and Me (Part 2)