Episode 08 (year 2): Interview With Christina C. and Me about DBT, CBT, and NLD Part 2

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Today's episode is part two of an interview with Christina Cummins who is a DBT therapist from New Jersey. We will be talking about DBT, comparing it to CBT, and how it helps people with NLD through the interview. Hope you find it helpful and informative.

On September 18th, from 10 am-11:30 am (PT) I'll have a small Facebook meeting for people with NLD in my podcast audience. If you plan on attending please email me livingwithnld@gmail.com and I'll give you invite you to it, thank you.

Here are my platforms:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/ 

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact 

3. Living With NLD Facebook

4. Living With NLD Instagram

5. Living With An Invisible Learning Challenge YouTube Channel

6. Here's the link to support my podcast and in turn the NVLD project: https://anchor.fm/jennifer8697/support

7. Testimonials on the website: https://livingwithnld.com/testimonials

8. Podcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jennife91777685


Episode 09 (year 2): Ghosting for NLDers and Neurotypicals


Episode 07 (year 2): NLD, Context of Conversations and Big Picture Perspective