Episode 17: Trying to do Better With Managing Money and Seeing the Big Picture with NLD

Today's episode is about how I have trained myself to see the big picture better by managing my earnings better than I used to. 

Here's the link for the article done by understood.org: What skills are affected by nonverbal learning disabilities? The website for this podcast is Living with NLD. The Facebook page for this podcast is: Living with NLD Facebook. The link for the Instagram page is: Living with NLD Instagram. The email for the podcast is livingwithnld@gmail.com. 

Today's episode is about how I have trained myself to see the big picture better by managing my earnings better than I used to. Here's the link for the article done by understood.org: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/child-learning-disabilities/nonverbal-learning-disabilities/understanding-nonverbal-learning-disabilities. The website for this podcast is https://livingwithnld.com/. The Facebook page for this podcast is: https://www.facebook.com/livingwithnld.


Episode 18: Why Stating The Obvious is Annoying to People with NLD


Episode 16: Trying to Taxes with NLD and Being in the Working World with NLD