Episode 20 (year 2): Mat and Me Interview (Part 2)

Today's episode is about Mat who has NLD and ADHD. He is from Japan. This is the second part of the interview.

December 18 will be the 13th Facebook chat for NVLDers and people with other learning challenges is tomorrow from 10 am -11:30 am (PT). If you plan on attending please email me livingwithnld@gmail.com and I'll give you invite you to it, thank you.

Here are my platforms:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/ 

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact 

3. Living With NLD Facebook

4. Living With NLD Instagram

5. Living With An Invisible Learning Challenge YouTube Channel


Episode 21 (year 2): NLD and Slower Processing Speed


Episode 19 (year 2): NLD and Memories