I usually post my episodes every week or every other.

Episode 27 (year 3): NLD, Managing Finances and Executive Functioning

Have you ever had challenges with managing your finances because of having NLD, ADHD, ASD, Dysculcuia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia or any other learning challenge? Do you also have issues with abstract concepts? And tracking where you went wrong or made mistakes? Or comprehending the big picture? I’m still experiencing these challenges today. I try to balance my budget each month with mom and it’s not easy because I have NLD and chronic migraines.

I'm sorry but I'll have to put the support group for neurodivergents on hold until I can work through some of my personal things. 

Links for articles:

Link for BetterHelp sponsorship: https://bit.ly/3A15Ac1

Links for new podcasts:

  1. Shero: Be Your Own Hero Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/1O7Mb26wUJIsGzZPHuFlhX?si=c3b2fabc1f334284

  2. Chats, Barks, & Growls: Convos With My Pet Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/74BJO1eOWkpFGN5fT7qJHh?si=4440df59d52c4522

  3. Think Out: Free Your Imagination Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/episode/71UWHOgbkYtNoHiUagruBj?si=3d96889cfd2f487b

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