I usually post my episodes every week or every other.

Education, NLD, Emotion, Suppression, Body Language Butterfly Changing Education, NLD, Emotion, Suppression, Body Language Butterfly Changing

Episode 46: Discernment of Emotions and Trying to Identify Them with NLD or What Happens When You Bottle Them up for Awhile

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Today's episode is about discernment of emotions and trying to identify them with NLD or what happens when you bottle them up for a while. 

Links for articles:https://nvld.org/expressing-needs-feelings/, and https://nvld.org/adulting-nvld/.

On June 19th from 10 am-11:30 am (PT) I'll have the small zoom meeting for people with NLD in my podcast audience. If you plan on attending please email me livingwithnld@gmail.com and I'll give you the link to it, thank you.

Here are the links for my website, newsletter, YouTube, and social media pages for the podcast:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/ 

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact 

3. Living with NLD Facebook

4. Living With NLD Instagram

5. Living With an Invisible Learning Challenge YouTube Channel

6. Here's the link to support my podcast and in turn the NVLD project: https://anchor.fm/jennifer8697/support

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