Episode 13 (year 4): NLD and Processing Feelings of Loneliness
This episode as always is about my experiences and I try to weave in others from fellow neurodivergents. I’m not writing this in spite of my friends or to make them feel bad. I ‘m writing it to help myself process what I’m going through and try to figure out how to help myself and others process as well get out of the feeling more easily.
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Links for new podcasts:
Shero: Be Your Own Hero Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/1O7Mb26wUJIsGzZPHuFlhX?si=c3b2fabc1f334284
Chats, Barks, & Growls: Convos With My Pet Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/74BJO1eOWkpFGN5fT7qJHh?si=4440df59d52c4522
Think Out: Free Your Imagination Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/episode/71UWHOgbkYtNoHiUagruBj?si=3d96889cfd2f487b
Links for Sleepy Butterfly:
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2. https://www.facebook.com/sleepybutterfly96
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1. https://livingwithnld.com/
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