Episode 16 (year 3): Why Did I Get Handed Such a Difficult Life From God?

This episode is pretty personal to me and it could be triggering for you if you have been sexually abused, had body insecurities, or had difficult experiences in your life. Have you ever wondered why your life is so challenging? Why did God give you such a difficult life? Or why do you have more challenges than others do? I have thought that before. But I know that all the challenges that I went through have made me who I am today. Those challenges include NLD, episodic migraines, sexual abuse, earning trust, radical acceptance, and body insecurities.

The following support group is on November 19th at 10 am (PT) unless I have a schedule conflict.

Links for new podcasts:

  1. Shero: Be Your Own Hero Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/1O7Mb26wUJIsGzZPHuFlhX?si=c3b2fabc1f334284

  2. Chats, Barks, & Growls: Convos With My Pet Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/show/74BJO1eOWkpFGN5fT7qJHh?si=4440df59d52c4522

  3. Think Out: Free Your Imagination Trailer: https://open.spotify.com/episode/71UWHOgbkYtNoHiUagruBj?si=3d96889cfd2f487b

Link for BetterHelp sponsorship: https://bit.ly/3A15Ac1

Links for Sleepy Butterfly:

1. https://open.spotify.com/show/5FNnA8XFCzRORCRaZXlHE9?si=a82d5133f7f6411e

2. https://www.facebook.com/sleepybutterfly96

Here are my platforms:

1. https://livingwithnld.com/

2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact

3. https://livingwithnld.com/podcast-swag

4. Living With NLD Facebook

5. Living With NLD Instagram


Episode 17 (year 3): Interview With Myk and Me (Part 1)


Episode 15 (year 3): NLD and Feeling Empty or Lonely