Episode 25 (year 2): NLD and Some Relief From My Chronic Pain
Today’s topic is going about relief from chronic pain and how it relates to NLD. Have you ever felt a certain part of your body was hit by a seismic 2by4? Or felt unexplainable or indescribable pain in that part of your body? Or maybe a tingling sensation in your head? Well for me with the chronic migraines that I’ve had for the past 8 years it’s been yes all 3 of those questions.
Links for the articles from the Mighty:
What Sensory Overload Feels Like During a Migraine( by Alex Tomlinson written in May 2018)
6 Gentle Reminders for Bad Migraine Days (by Megan Glosson written in September 2021)
January 15th will be the 14th Facebook chat for NVLDers and people with other learning challenges is from 10 am -11:30 am (PT). If you plan on attending please email me livingwithnld@gmail.com and I'll give you invite you to it, thank you.
Here are my platforms:
2. https://livingwithnld.com/contact
5. Living With An Invisible Learning Challenge YouTube Channel