Education, NLD, Body Language, Social Cues Butterfly Changing Education, NLD, Body Language, Social Cues Butterfly Changing

Trying to Make a New Friend and Read Body Language or Social Cues When You Have NLD

Today it took me several times to get this recording just right because I was really nervous and it's hard for me to read exactly what is on the page. But obviously, I finally got it right. This episode is about the challenge I and others with NLD often face in social settings.

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NLD, Education, Common Butterfly Changing NLD, Education, Common Butterfly Changing

How common is NLD? How to get diagnosed?

Today we will talk about how common NLD is and get diagnosed to see if you have it. I will share with you what it was like for me to get diagnosed and the differences I noticed afterward. Since my episodes are shorter than most podcasts hopefully then they should be easier to listen to and learn from.

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