Episode 03 (year 4): You Are More Than A Label

I want to talk today about being more than the labels we were given whether that’s short, tall, thin, big, smart, stupid, white, black or brown, LGTBQ+, neurotypical or neurodiverse. I don’t want to minimize these labels if you like them being part of you. But I want to remind you that they aren’t the totality of you. I hope that makes sense. Do you ever feel excluded because of the label you were given by a social construct? Or by doctors, therapists, professionals, or politicians? I know for me it’s often difficult to think of the qualities that I have that aren’t related to NLD or the chronic migraine condition I have. I do know that I am more than those two labels though.  

Links for articles:


Episode 04 (year 4): Stop Second-Guessing Yourself


Episode 02 (year 4): Interview with Dr. Emily Levy and Me