NLD, Challenges, Education, finances, bigpicture, TheNVLDProject Butterfly Changing NLD, Challenges, Education, finances, bigpicture, TheNVLDProject Butterfly Changing

Trying to do Better With Managing Finances and Seeing the Big Picture

Today, we’re going to discuss trying to do better With Managing Finances and Seeing the Big Picture. When one has NLD it’s difficult to see the big picture because we tend to focus on the small details in life. The following quote is from “Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disabilities” which is by and it describes what challenges NVLDers experience.

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Estimating Distances With NLD

Another challenge that NVLDers have is estimating distances between two objects. We have this issue because our visual-spatial perception is off and different neurotypicals’. Have you ever had challenges with approximating distance because you don’t have a good sense of how much space is between two objects? I’ve had this experience countless times in my life.

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Driving with NLD and a Chronic MIgraine Condition

Today, we’ll discuss what it’s like to drive with NLD. Have you ever had a car accident that was caused because you couldn’t judge the space between you and the vehicle in front of you well? Did you get your driver’s license later than most teens or peers because of having a learning challenge? Did you feel like it took forever for you to learn how to drive because the car felt like it was separate from your body instead of an extension of it? I have experienced all of these challenges when driving with NLD and a chronic migraine condition.

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